Every weekend we're watching movies together...whether you're in Pennsylvania USA, or Sydney Australia. It's a throwback! Back to the days when you had the anticipation for waiting till the weekend to see the classic horror or science fiction film that was listed in the TV Guide. The plan is to watch a movie at 7:30PM on Saturday night in your own time zone. Or, if you can't Saturday night...anytime during the weekend. Then, we'll all get together and e-mail our thoughts on the film...a few paragraphs...or simply a sentence if you'd like. They after-viewing reviews appear on our Creepy Classics/Monster Bash News Page. See the latest thoughts posted by viewers ther now.

Concept submitted by Mike Adams of Cartaret, New Jeresey.

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Creepy Classics Spotlight Movie Last Weekend - THE PHANTOM CREEPS (1939)

Every week, readers here are selecting a movie to view...then we all try to watch it together utilizing our DVD/video library. This past Saturday night, many of us watched THE PHANTOM CREEPS (1939). This was suggested by Larry Boyington, Oklahoma City, OK. Details about movie nights to come are HERE. Please include your name and location after your comments, so we can see how we're all joining together from diffeent locals around the globe! Let's all Synch-Up Saturday nights at 7:30PM, or catch this week's movie sometime over the weekend!

Oh boy, it's Saturday fun film time! Where to begin? the giant robot that
marches around? The spiders that do the boogie-woogie? There's just so
much hokey fun in this film. I love the guy lamenting that Lugosi's
character is "working contrary to the good of mankind" and he says it with
such conviction too! I guess he didn't notice that he was working contrary
to the good of acting. I guess Universal didn't put too much effort into
their serials, this one looks like it could have come out of Monogram with
the lack of sufficient lighting in several scenes and the unimaginative
lab equipment, didn't they have any of the old stuff around?

Am I
mistaken or did they re-cycle footage from The Invisible Ray? if so, this
might have been the only time Karloff "doubled" for Lugosi - wasn't that
the shot of Karloff being lowered into the pit to search for the meteor
that landed in Africa, another borrowed story element (Oh well, at least
they were stealing from themselves) My favorite bit of film borrowing was
when Bela was tossing the bombs out of the plane (which looked a little
like cigars) and they show the famous footage of the Hindenburg disaster.
I thought this must have been especially blatant because chances are most
people would have seen the newsreels at the movies and it was not that far
removed from the time the film came out. I do have to admire the actors
however for being able to say the lines they were given with a straight
face - a "Di-Visualizer"? gimme a break!

-Kevin Slick, Colorado

It's a Fun late-to-"wee" hours of-the-morning  or anytime movie, as whenever you watch it, it seems like 3 am! I LOVE that coool "Robot", he's the highlight- & Bela's "Grr"-eat, sinister acting, which reminded me of his evil scientist, Dr. Caruthers role in "The Devil Bat"('43), a fave of mine, that I watch often, about 3-4 times a year! My "Phantom Creeps" is a vhs video from a local telecast on "Moonlight Movies", hosted by Chicago's Own Ben Hollis(who's in my "Miss Werewolf" & "Devil Ant" movies)! "Phantom Creeps" & other "Grr"-eat classic good ol' late-nite monster/horror fare aired midnight in the mid-1990s, but fortunatelly I have a couple movies Ben hosted.

-David "The Rock" Nelson, Des Plaines, IL

You can get the DVD of THE PHANTOM CREEPS (1939) in the Complete DVD Catalog in-line at Creepy Classics.



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